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Red Riding Trilogy: Part 3: 1983 - (2009) - Netflix

105m - Películas de suspenso

When the current case of a missing 10-year-old becomes linked to the abduction and murder of Clare Kemplay in 1974, investigators torture the man who found Clare's body in an effort to learn more in this final installment of the Red Riding trilogy.

Director: Anand Tucker
Reparto: Michelle Dockery, Steven Robertson, Sean Harris, Sean Bean, Warren Clarke, Jim Carter, Shaun Dooley, Chris Walker, Lisa Howard, David Morrissey, Mark Addy
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: CaNl

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Disponible desde: 15 Jan 2013
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Synopsis A murky tale. A child goes missing in West Yorkshire, one of several over ten years; the police find a patsy, an acquaintance of Michael, a blood simple man serving a life sentence for another girl's death. Michael's mother asks John Piggott, a burned-out solicitor, to look into her son's conviction; Piggott finds injustices in current and past cases. Maurice Jobson, part of a group of corrupt cops, searches for the missing girl, involves a medium, finds nothing, leans hard on Piggott, and may be tiring of the sham. He's warned off going soft. Is there moral strength anywhere capable of facing down the cabal?

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