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Sacré Noël ! - (2009) - Netflix

102m - Niños y familia

Paul, qui dirige la crèche vivante de son école, fait croire à tous que son ex veut transformer leur pièce de théâtre en une grande production hollywoodienne.

Director: Debbie Isitt
Reparto: Phyllis Logan, John Sessions, Rosie Cavaliero, Ricky Tomlinson, Alan Carr, Pam Ferris, Ashley Jensen, Jason Watkins, Marc Wootton, Martin Freeman
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: FrBr

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Disponible desde: 13/10/2014
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Synopsis This Christmas, primary school teacher Paul Maddens is charged with producing the school's nativity play. Competing against the posh rival school for the honor of best reviewed show in town, the stakes are raised when Paul idly boasts that his ex-girlfriend Jennifer, a Hollywood Producer, is coming to see his show with a view to turning it into a film. The only trouble is - they haven't spoken in years. With eccentric assistant Mr Poppy fuelling his 'little white lie', Maddens suddenly finds himself a local celebrity and at the center of quarreling parents and over-excited children desperate in their bid for fame and fortune. Maddens' only hope is to get back in touch with Jennifer and lure Hollywood to town so that everybody's Christmas wishes come true.

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