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Blackadder - (1983) - Netflix

Programas de televisión

Set in significant time periods from the Dark Ages through World War I, this hilarious comedy series recounts the adventures of Edmund Blackadder, the most despicable and brilliant rogue ever to pursue a coin or a pretty woman.

Director: -
Reparto: Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Miranda Richardson, Tony Robinson, Brian Blessed, Robert East, Patrick Allen, Tim McInnerny, Elspet Gray, Rowan Atkinson
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Us

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Disponible desde: 01 Apr 2012
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Synopsis It is 1917, and lunatic General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchett is leading the British troops at the front lines against the Germans, while everyone waits for Field Marshall Haig's big push. There are various emotions throughout the camp about it. For Captain Kevin Darling, Melchett's bull-dog-like right-hand man, it makes no difference, as it appears he will be safe and sound with the general when the big push occurs. For Lieutenant George Colhurst Saint Barleigh, he is overly excited at thrashing the Germans. For Private S. (probably for Sod-Off) Baldrick, it's a terrifying experience he is not looking forward to. For Captain Edmund Blackadder, however, it's something he's too cowardly too face. Self-centered, arrogant, and sarcastic, Blackadder is always constantly searching for a way out of this silly war, and will try various, often crazy, variations on escape, all of which will take a turn he never expected. Sharing a dugout with George and Baldrick, his main obstacle for escape is Darling, who will ensure everyone is present for the big push.

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