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Sniper: Reloaded - (2010) - Netflix

Acción y aventura

Following in the footsteps of his father, a Marine takes on a deadly mission to rescue a Belgian plantation owner from hostilities in the Congo.

Director: Claudio Fäh, Claudio Fäh
Reparto: Ian Van Der Heyden, Patrick Lyster, Martin Le Maitre, Rob Fruithof, Clyde Berning, Kayla Privett, Conrad Kemp, Hlomla Dandala, Billy Zane, Justin Strydom, Annabel Wright, Richard Sammel, Chad Michael Collins
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Disponible desde: 09 Sep 2014
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Synopsis Brandon Beckett the son of Master Gunnery Sargent Thomas Beckett while serving as a UN peace keeper and government trainer is assigned the task to rescue a European farmer located in the middle of hostile rebel territory. Upon arrival a mysterious sniper ambushes them, wounding Beckett and killing everyone else. Becket returns to his base and desires to seek revenge by killing the sniper. during his time on the base Beckett becomes involved with British Army Lieutenant Ellen Abramowitz. Beckett Also meets his father's former protégé, sniper instructor Richard Miller.

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