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Arahan jangpung daejakjeon - (2004) - Netflix

1h53m - Acción y aventura

Sang-hwan became a cop in order to help the downtrodden, but he doesn't get much respect. All that changes when he meets the Seven Masters.

Director: Ryoo Seung-wan, Seung-wan Ryoo
Reparto: Lee Oi-su, Yang Ik-june, Ryoo Seung-bum, Yoon So-yi, Ahn Sung-kee, Jung Doo-hong, Yun Ju-sang, Seung-bum Ryoo, So-yi Yoon, Sung-Ki Ahn, Doo-hong Jung
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Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Us

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Disponible desde: 2021-12-01
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Synopsis When a thieving cyclist steals a purse from a pedestrian, clumsy, naive yet honest rookie policeman Sang-hwan gives chase, but it's the skilled specialist in martial arts, Wi-jin, who captures the criminal while severely injuring Sang-hwan. She brings Sang-hwan to her home, where five Masters of Tao heal him and find that he has a powerful c'hi (spiritual energy of the universe). He could be a powerful warrior. As Sang-hwan begins training to ascend to the level of a Maruchi (male Tao Master), the evil, ancient and ambitious Heuk-woon, accidentally released from his imprisonment, awakens. The powerful Heuk-woon attacks the masters, searching for a key that they protect, which would permit him to become an Arahan and dominate the world. When the masters are defeated, Sang-hwan and Wi-jin are the only and last hope of mankind.

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