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Queer as Folk - (2000) - Netflix

Programas de televisión

While Stuart takes his pick of the men in Manchester's gay scene, his best buddy Vince quietly pines for him. But everything is about to change.

Director: -
Reparto: Antony Cotton, Alison Burrows, Charlie Hunnam, Juley McCann, Craig Kelly, Caroline Pegg, Esther Hall, Carla Henry, Saira Todd, Denise Black, Aidan Gillen, Peter O'Brien, Alfie Robinson, Ben Maguire, Caroline O'Neill, Sarah Jones, Andy Devine, Michelle Clunie, Thea Gill, Gale Harold, Randy Harrison, Caroline ONeill, Peter OBrien
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2022-07-10
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Synopsis Based on the British series of the same name, Showtime's 'Queer as Folk' presents the American version. Following the lives of five gay men in Pittsburgh, 'Queer as Folk' is a riveting drama full of sex, drugs, adventure, friendship and love. Although the creators of 'Queer as Folk' wanted to present an honest depiction of gay life, it is by no means a comprehensive depiction. In addition to the usual sexual escapades and relationships of the five friends, the show explores critical gay political and health issues.

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