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Vampire Academy - (2014) - Netflix

Ciencia ficción y fantasía

At St. Vladimir's Academy, Rose Hathaway learns to navigate life as a dhampir, a half-human vampire, and prepares to become a leader of the Moroi.

Director: Mark Waters
Reparto: Joely Richardson, Claire Foy, Ashley Charles, Sami Gayle, Cameron Monaghan, Sarah Hyland, Olga Kurylenko, Dominic Sherwood, Gabriel Byrne, Danila Kozlovsky, Lucy Fry, Zoey Deutch
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Br

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Disponible desde: 07 Jan 2015
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Synopsis Rose Hathaway is a dhampir, half-vampire and half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St Vladimir's Academy along with many others like her. There are good and bad vampires in their world: Moroi, who co-exist peacefully among the humans and only take blood from donors, and also possess the ability to control one of the four elements - water, earth, fire or air; and Strigoi, blood-sucking, evil vampires who drink to kill. Rose and other dhampir guardians are trained to protect Moroi and kill Strigoi throughout their education. Along with her best friend, Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, a Moroi and the last of her line, with whom she has a nigh unbreakable bond, Rose must run away from St Vladimir's, in order to protect Lissa from those who wish to harm the princess and use her for their own means.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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