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The Preppie Connection - (2015) - Netflix

1h36m - Drama

Striving for popularity among his well–heeled classmates, a working-class student at an elite private school deals cocaine to raise his social status.

Director: Joseph Castelo
Reparto: Logan Huffman, Lucy Fry, Jessica Rothe, Bill Sage, Hemky Madera, Sam Page, Dylan Blue, Thomas Mann, Amy Hargreaves, Guillermo Arribas
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Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2017-07-01
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Synopsis Based on a true story of a prep school student who smuggled $300k of uncut cocaine into the US in 1984. THE PREPPIE CONNECTION chronicles the exploits of a group of private school students who ran a drug distribution operation in the early 1980s. The story centers on Toby, the lower-class scholarship student, who uses his street cred and access to drugs to make friends with the popular kids, eventually allowing him to cultivate a drug trafficking network. Toby gets in far over his head as he leads his friends into the dangerous world of Colombian drug cartels.

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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