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Don't Knock Twice - (2016) - Netflix

1h32m - Películas extranjeras

A recovering addict becomes her estranged daughter's only hope after the teen awakens a terrifying child-stealing witch from an urban legend.

Director: Caradog W. James
Reparto: Nick Moran, Katee Sackhoff, Lucy Boynton, Pascale Wilson, Richard Mylan, Sarah Buckland, Pooneh Hajimohammadi, Javier Botet
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2017-07-03
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Synopsis The sculptor Jess unsuccessfully tries to retrieve the custody of her teenage daughter Chloe. During the night, Chloe and her boyfriend Danny play a prank challenging an urban legend: and they knock twice on the door of the witch Mary Aminov. Soon Danny is hunted down by a fiend and vanishes. When Chloe is haunted by the evil spirit, she flees to the house of her estranged mother and her husband Ben to stay with her mother. Soon the demon finds her and haunts the house while Ben is traveling. Jess' model Tira sees darkness around Chloe and she researches the Internet about the mystery. Meanwhile Detective Boardman is investigating the disappearance of Danny and suspects Jess is manipulating her troubled daughter.

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