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The House - (2017) - Netflix

1h28m - Comedia

Desperate for cash when their daughter is accepted to a college they can't afford, Scott and Kate Johansen turn their home into an underground casino.

Director: Andrew Jay Cohen, Andrew J. Cohen
Reparto: Ryan Simpkins, Allison Tolman, Nick Kroll, Jeremy Renner, Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Rob Huebel, Michaela Watkins, Jason Mantzoukas, Christina Offley, Jessie Ennis, Rory Scovel, Lennon Parham, Cedric Yarbrough, Kyle Kinane, Gillian Vigman, Steve Zissis, Alexandra Daddario, Andrea Savage, Andy Buckley, Sebastian Maniscalco, Bruna Rubio, Linda Porter, Tiffany Tynes, Natasha Key, Randall Park, Sam Richardson, Wayne Federman, Ian Roberts, Joe Rowley, Jessica St. Clair, Ben S. Harris, Sean Patrick Murphy, Kathleen Meyer, Javier Del Prado, Frank Gerrish, Waymond Lee, Rebecca Olejniczak, D A Allen, Eleazar Barzart, Michelle Bernard, Bill Blair, Brian Blu, Kristopher Boutin, Libby Burns, John Byers, Nicole Chauvet, Kathy Corpus, Roger Julian Cross, Dee Cutrone, Darlene Dalmaceda, Nancy DeMars, Mike DeMille, John R. Duncan, Timothy Skyler Dunigan, Amy Seddon Ebert, Heiko Effenberger, Hasnaa El Faizi, Josh Feemster, Anthony Figueroa, Mandell Frazier, Greg Haines, Mobin Khan, Punnavith Koy, Stasiya Kuzmina, Timothy Ryan Lahr, Marc Livingood, Oxana Lovich, Rob Marchitti, Alen Matters, Katie McCabe, Meghan McLeod, Addyson Medley, Rusty Meyers, Shannon Simone Miller, Teebone Mitchell, Peter Nikkos, Angela Nordeng, Tommy Otis, Heather Palmer, Tara Phillips, Rachel Rigall, Mark Rossignol, Eric C. Schmitz, Rick Silver, Connor Skific, Tom Spath, Stewart Strauss, Derek Sulek, Fernanda Tapia, Christopher Tardieu, Gian Franco Tordi, Valerie Tosi, Ran Wei, Harry Yi
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Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 20/100
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Disponible desde: 2018-07-29
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Synopsis After the town scholarship program no longer has funding, two parents are left without money to send their daughter to university. Left without any other options, they along with a friend, start an illegal casino in his home to make cash before the summer ends.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

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