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Love Everlasting - (2016) - Netflix

1h33m - Drama

A lonely teen looking for a better life finds himself stuck in the middle of nowhere -- and falling for a timid outcast with problems of her own.

Director: Rob Diamond
Reparto: Christie Burke, Lucky Blue Smith, Kristen Marie Jensen, Emily Procter, Scott Christopher, Shawn Stevens, Madison Bontempo, Jeremy Hoop
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2017-08-01
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Synopsis Bridger Jenkins, a senior in high school, is an outsider with hidden scars and a lifelong dream to see the ocean. Living in poverty, his mother has done everything in her power to give her son a good life, but their world is once again turned upside down when Bridger's abusive stepfather threatens their lives. On the road with only 197 dollars to their name, Bridger and his mother embark on the journey of a lifetime. But a series of obstacles foil their plan and they end up stuck in the middle of nowhere - a small town that will prove to change their destiny. When Bridger has a chance encounter with a brown-eyed beauty shrouded in insecurity, sparks fly and an everlasting bond is ignited between two misfits longing for acceptance and true love.

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