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Rivaaz - (2011) - Netflix

1h47m - Drama

In a village where girls are auctioned off rather than married, a man falls in love with a girl who is about to face the bidders.

Director: Ashok Nanda
Reparto: Meghna Naidu, Deepti Naval, Reema Lagoo, Sayaji Shinde, Manoj Biddvai, Ritisha Vijayvargya, Saadhika Randhawa, Vijay Raaz
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Disponible desde: 2017-11-01
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Synopsis Mumbai-based Rahul accompanies his friend, Amar Singh, to a village called Bhedia in order to attend the marriage of Supriya, the latter's sister. While on the way there, he sees a young woman and instantly falls in love with her despite of being told that she is destined to be a prostitute according to the tradition prevailing in this community where local police actually procure young women for wealthy Zamindars/landlords. Unable to get her out of his mind, he approaches a pimp, Manghi, and through him finds out her name is Bela, who lives with her mother, Paro, and father, Mangatram. His overtures to get married to her will be met with strong opposition from her parents who are all set to sell her to the highest bidder. Rahul, however, meets Bela on the sly and both fall in love. The community finds out, they feel threatened as all males are dependent on the flesh trade, and hold a special Panchayat Meeting. After a short discussion the Mukhiya finds the couple guilty, instructs Mangatram to take more control of his daughter - and as for Rahul - he gets awarded with the death penalty.

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