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Tully - (2018) - Netflix

1h35m - Drama

Stressed and struggling with a newborn, Marlo warily accepts the gift of a night nanny, Tully, who turns out to be more than just a mother's helper.

Director: Jason Reitman
Reparto: Charlize Theron, Gameela Wright, Maddie Dixon-Poirier, Colleen Wheeler, Ron Livingston, Elaine Tan, Mark Duplass, Mackenzie Davis, Asher Miles Fallica
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2019-04-10
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Synopsis The film is about Marlo, a mother of three including a newborn, who is gifted a night nanny by her brother. Hesitant to the extravagance at first, Marlo comes to form a unique bond with the thoughtful, surprising and sometimes challenging young nanny named Tully.

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