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Gibby - (2016) - Netflix

1h29m - Drama

Struggling to cope after losing her mother, teenager Katie sees her world come alive again while caring for a lovable monkey over the summer.

Director: Phil Gorn
Reparto: Peyton Meyer, Shelby Lyon, Sean Patrick Flanery, Ysa Penarejo, Vivica A Fox, Shannon Elizabeth, Tess Kartel, Crystal the Monkey
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Br

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Disponible desde: 2018-11-15
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Synopsis A young teenage girl, Katie, can not snap out of her depression after losing her mother. Katie has lost interest in school, her friends, and gymnastics. All that changes in the summer when she is asked to monkeysit Gibby, her science teacher's Capuchin monkey. Taking care of the monkey changes her life in a big way. Gibby's happy-go-lucky personality renews Katie's zest for life. Gibby helps her with gymnastics, renewing friendships (including finding a potential boyfriend) and overcoming her nemesis, a mean girl who is out to beat Katie at everything.

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