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Mahi NRI - (2017) - Netflix

2h14m - Comedia

A Punjabi man attempts to build a life in London in hopes of impressing his girlfriend’s mother, who insists her daughter marry a man outside of India.

Director: Gaurav Bavdankar
Reparto: Navneet Nishan, Gurpreet Guggi, Rameet Kaur, Anjum Batra, Harrdy Sandhu, Poppy Jabbal, B.N. Sharma, Ranjan Sehgal, Hardy Sandhu, Gurpreet Ghuggi
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Au

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Disponible desde: 2019-12-01
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Synopsis Set primarily in the UK's second largest city Birmingham, Mera Mahi NRI (My Beloved Non-Resident Indian) is a realistic multi- cultural comedy drama that follows the life of a student 'freshie' (a term used to describe somebody who is from the sub-continent who has recently arrived in the UK and who has very little experience of the British way of life). The film shows Sherry and the twists and turns that he goes through to become an NRI ( Non Resident Indian) to please his girlfriend's mother who feels that a boy from Britain is the only suitable match for her daughter . The film also takes a humorous sideways look at the false premise that the UK from a rural-Indian point of view is still seen as the place where the streets are paved with gold and that all British Asians have huge sprawling houses, big cars and money that grows on trees.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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