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Anaamika - (2014) - Netflix

2h9m - Películas de suspenso

As a woman scours Hyderabad for her missing husband, she becomes entangled in a conspiracy that suggests there’s more to the mystery than meets the eye.

Director: Sekhar Kammula
Reparto: Nayantara, Vaibhav Reddy, Pasupathy, Harshvardhan Rane, Thagubothu Ramesh, Vinay Varma, Dheer Charan Srivastav, D. Narsingh Rao
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2020-09-20
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Synopsis A NRI Anamika (Nayanthara) comes to Hyderabad in search of her husband Ajay Sasthri (Harshavardhan Rane), who has gone missing. She lodges a police complaint in a station which is the nearest to the hotel where he was staying. A sympathetic cop (Vaibhav) tries to help her, while his superior cop who seems to know the truth is lusting after her. Meanwhile, she stirs the state administration with her resolve to find her missing husband, and is thwarted by a cunning state minister (Naresh) and the intelligence chief (Pasupathy). Does Anamika fulfill her mission?

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