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The Ponds - (2018) - Netflix

1h13m - Deportes y entrenamiento físico

Winter or summer, rain or shine: swimmers frequent the ponds at London's Hampstead Heath all throughout the year. These are their stories.

Director: Samuel Smith, Patrick McLennan
Reparto: -
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2021-11-26
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Synopsis In a world of constant flux and chaos it's almost a shock to discover some experiences remain unchanged natural primitive even. In the middle of London lies Hampstead Heath 320 hectares of forest parkland and wildlife plus three swimming ponds. People take the waters in them all year round just as they did in the time of Keats and Constable. Capturing all the beauty of the English seasons Patrick McLennan and Samuel Smith filmed the swimmers over 12 months as they shivered laughed complained ruminated philosophised or simply sought respite from all that life threw at them. The Ponds is a heart-warming celebration of eccentricity and sheer bloody-mindedness as these unusual people united by a shared passion meet to take on whatever the weather - and life - throws at them.

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