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Undercover - (1943) - Netflix

1h28m - Acción y aventura

During the German occupation of Yugoslavia in World War II, two brothers mobilize an anti-Nazi guerrilla movement in the Serbian mountains.

Director: Sergei Nolbandov
Reparto: John Clements, Godfrey Tearle, Tom Walls, Michael Wilding, Mary Morris, Stephen Murray, Robert Harris, Rachel Thomas, Charles Victor, Niall MacGinnis
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2022-02-12
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Synopsis The specially trained agent Martin has been appointed to the most dangerous mission in Bulgaria - to go undercover in the gang of the mafia boss Dzharo. On his way he has to encounter a lot of challenges in order to completely become part of the criminal world. His task becomes more complicated when he meets the big boss's girl Sunny. While undercover he gets a promotion in the mafia hierarchy and becomes part of the world - full of crime violence and corruption. "Undercover" is a modern crime series which realistically depicts the reality of the underground world in Bulgaria. It is a fictional series and is not related to any real persons. However the plot contains a number of real events happening in the modern life that cover the pages of newspapers and magazines-gangster wars drug market redistribution forgery gun shots in the city center corruption schemes bank robberies etc.

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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