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Only You - (2021) - Netflix

1h49m - Comedia

Back in her hometown for her grandmother's birthday, a real estate agent reconnects with a childhood friend, bringing new possibilities in life and love.

Director: Marla M. Ancheta
Reparto: Janine Gutierrez, Pepe Herrera, Pilita Corrales, Vangie Labalan, Dindo Arroyo, Archie Alemania, Nicco Manalo, Faye Lorenzo
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2022-01-27
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Synopsis Destiny. Faith (Marisa Tomei) believes that two soul-mates can be united if they find each other. From the Ouija board she has found the name of her missing half and it is D-A-M-O-N B-R-A-D-L-E-Y. Later at the carnival the fortune teller sees the name Damon Bradley in the Crystal Ball and Faith is convinced. She is told that "You make your own destiny...don't wait for it to come to you" but she is looking for Damon. 14 years later she is engaged to a dull podiatrist and plans to marry until she gets a call from one of his classmates who is on his way to Venice Italy. The classmate is Damon Bradley. Rushing to the airport to see her soul-mate she misses him and the plane but decides then and there to go after him. So Faith and her sister-in-law Kate both board the next plane for Italy hoping to find her Damon.

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