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Herr Bello - (2007) - Netflix

1h32m - Comedia

A 12-year-old struggles to accept his father's new love interest. To make matters worse, the boy's new dog magically turns human and falls for her, too.

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Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
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Disponible desde: 2021-12-15
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Synopsis After his mother's death the 12-year-old Max son of pharmacist Sternheim wishes for a pet. One day a dog appears in Max's life. By his power of persuasion he is allowed to keep this dog and names him "Bello". In the meantime a new tenant Verena Lichtblau moves into Sternheim's house and Max is not happy. But further Sternheim has got a present that's a special mixture. After he has ruined Edgar's harvest with the mixture the next accident happened: Bello drinks from the mixture and so he transforms to a human. With Max's help "Mr. Bello" continues a human-life. And Mr. Bello returns Max's enjoying of life again. But outside of Sternheim's house Mr. Bello gets in trouble and there the story begins.

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