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You Me Lenin - (2021) - Netflix

1h25m - Comedia

Two detectives have 12 hours to recover a wooden statue of Lenin that was found on the shores of a small seaside town, erected, then mysteriously stolen.

Director: Tufan Tastan
Reparto: Barış Falay, Saygın Soysal, Serdar Orçin, Melis Birkan, Nur Sürer, Salih Kalyon, Hasibe Eren, Özgür Çevik, Binnur Kaya, Mustafa Kırantepe
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: De

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Disponible desde: 2022-05-17
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Synopsis One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the hope that it would attract tourists to the town. As an official opening ceremony is planned with the participation of the Prime Minister and a Russian delegation the statue gets stolen. Two police investigators from Ankara are assigned to find Lenin in twelve hours. Townspeople give an unexpected answer to the question «Where is Lenin?».

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