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Operação Cupido - (1998) - Netflix

128m - Comedia

Quando duas garotas que parecem ser opostos extremos se encontram, elas pensam que não têm nada em comum. Até descobrirem que são gêmeas idênticas.

Director: Nancy Meyers
Reparto: Kat Graham, Courtney Woods, Maggie Emma Thomas, Hallie Meyers-Shyer, Joanna Barnes, Ronnie Stevens, Maggie Wheeler, Polly Holliday, Simon Kunz, Lisa Ann Walter, Elaine Hendrix, Natasha Richardson, Dennis Quaid, Lindsay Lohan
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Disponible desde: 10/02/2015
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Synopsis When two pre-teens named Hallie & Annie meet through their summer camp, their two lives are rattled when they realize that they are identical twins. With parents, British mother aka famous dress designer Elizabeth & American father, a wine maker named Nick, living in two different sides of the universe, the girls decide to make an identity swap in hopes of spending time with their other parent. The girls later choose to aware their guardians of the swap while at a hotel in NYC, which late reunites the divorced pair and sends them back into remarriage with each other.

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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