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Children of Paradise - (1946) - Netflix

3h9m - Drama

Considered the classic epic French film, this romantic tale follows very different theater men who all fall for the same woman in 19th-century Paris.

Director: Marcel Carné
Reparto: Arletty, Jean-Louis Barrault, Pierre Brasseur, Pierre Renoir, María Casares, Gaston Modot, Fabien Loris
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 98/100
Países en los que está disponible: Fr

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Disponible desde: 2022-02-01
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Synopsis Strolling indolently around the 1830s vibrant Parisian avenue called the Boulevard du Crime the graceful and elusive courtesan Garance finds herself wrongfully accused of pickpocketing. But amid a sea of jugglers sideshow performers streetwalkers and crooks the silently eloquent mime Baptiste comes to her rescue only to hopelessly fall for her. And just like that love's sweet torture befalls the delicate pantomimist as the insufferable burden of knowing that the object of his desire can never belong to anyone will heartlessly haunt him for years to come. Many have tried to seize her heart--the flamboyant thespian Frédérick Lemaître; the criminal dandy Pierre-François Lacenaire and the imperious but loveless Count Édouard de Montray--however Garance after so many barren years now seems to need only one man. In the end trusting a frail and modest rose is beautiful but cruel. Is there anyone who can accept the naked truth of an unrequited love?

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