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Garfield: The Movie - (2004) - Netflix

80m - Comedia

In deze komedie, gebaseerd op het stripverhaal, vecht Garfield om de liefde en aandacht van zijn baasje na de komst van een nieuwe hond, Odie.

Director: Peter Hewitt
Reparto: David Eigenberg, Alan Cumming, Brad Garrett, Debra Messing, Geoffrey Gould, Evan Arnold, Bill Murray, Stephen Tobolowsky, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Breckin Meyer
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: DkFiNz

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Disponible desde: 19-11-2014
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Synopsis Garfield, the fat, lazy, lasagna lover, has everything a cat could want. But when Jon, in an effort to impress the Liz - the vet and an old high-school crush - adopts a dog named Odie and brings him home, Garfield gets the one thing he doesn't want. Competition. One night Odie runs away and gets dog-napped after Garfield locks him outside. Garfield, in an out of character move, goes to search for and rescue Odie with the help of a variety of animal friends along the way.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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