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Head in the Clouds - (2004) - Netflix

2h0m - Drama

A flighty-but-charming socialite finds her true match in an intellectual Irishman who wants to battle in the Spanish Civil War.

Director: John Duigan
Reparto: Penelope Cruz, Gabriel Hogan, Allen Altman, Thomas Kretschmann, Stuart Townsend, Steven Berkoff, Charlize Theron, Karine Vanasse, Peter Cockett, David La Haye, John Jorgenson
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Disponible desde: 2018-01-05
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Synopsis HEAD IN THE CLOUDS is a sweeping romantic drama set in 1930's England, Paris, and Spain. Gilda Bessé shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia, a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war, Gilda defiantly pursues her hedonistic lifestyle and her burgeoning career as a photographer. But Guy and Mia feel impelled to join the fight against fascism, and the three friends are separated - seemingly forever.

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