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Love on Delivery - (1994) - Netflix

1h33m - Acción y aventura

To prove himself to a love interest, a delivery boy learns dubious kung fu from an aging charlatan so he can challenge his archrival to a fight.

Director: Lik-Chi Lee, Stephen Chow
Reparto: Christy Chung, Stephen Chow, Ng Man-Tat, Man-Tat Ng, Philip Chan
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2018-08-16
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Synopsis Ho Kam-An is a love struck dim-sum delivery boy who falls for a beautiful judo student. After being humiliated by her boyfriend, Ho Kam-An goes out and seeks the services of an aging kung-fu master who teaches him a half ass style of kung fu 'Karate Kid' style. After actually learning how to fight using this style (much to the master's surprise) he dresses up like Garfield and beats up the boyfriend of the beautiful judo student. But he's challenged to a fight by the master's former foe. Is Ho Kam-An up to the challenge?

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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