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The Headless Ghost - (1959) - Netflix

1h0m - Comedia

While spending the night in a spooky English castle to determine whether the local legend of its haunting is true, three teenagers meet up with a headless ghost who's stuck in limbo until he can locate his head.

Director: Peter Graham Scott
Reparto: Richard Lyon, Liliane Sottane, David Rose, Clive Revill, Jack Allen, Alexander Archdale, Carl Bernard, Josephine Blake, John Stacy, Donald Bisset
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2022-01-01
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Synopsis Three college students - two guys from the U.S. and a gal from Denmark - take a day trip from London to Ambrose Castle. The earl leads the tour and references the castle's ghosts. The intrepid three hide when the castle closes to see if the ghosts are real. After sundown in the great hall the portraits are more than oil on canvas: one hopes the students can put an end to a 600-year-old curse. In the castle's deepest recesses obstacles abound: a cat and a rat a rattler an ax-swinging suit of armor and revelers entertained by a slave's dance. Can the three overcome conflicts to help a ghost get ahead?

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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