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Gatling Gun - (1968) - Netflix

1h43m - Westerns

A Union captain suspected of stealing a Gatling gun breaks out of jail to clear his name by recovering the weapon and rescuing its kidnapped inventor.

Director: Paolo Bianchini
Reparto: Robert Woods, John Ireland, Ida Galli, Claudie Lange, Gérard Herter, Tiziano Cortini, Ennio Balbo, Roberto Camardiel, George Rigaud, Rada Rassimov, Tom Felleghy
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2022-01-01
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Synopsis Two long years after the outbreak of the American Civil War Richard Gatlin the creator of his devastating machine-gun namesake offers his invention to the Federal Government. As a result President Abraham Lincoln secretly sends a commission to the dusty town of Las Cruzes New Mexico to pick up the weapon and escort him back to Washington. However in the middle of the night two assassins kill the team and kidnap Gatlin. Now Captain Chris Tanner of the Pinkerton Agency finds himself unjustly accused of high treason and faces death. Who is behind the audacious theft? Will the wrongfully accused agent manage to find the culprit and clear his name?

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