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The Likely Lads - (1976) - Netflix

1h30m - Comedia

When married couple Bob and Thelma go on a camping trip with old pal Terry and his girlfriend, things quickly spin uproariously out of control.

Director: Michael Tuchner
Reparto: Rodney Bewes, James Bolam, Brigit Forsyth, Mary Tamm, Sheila Fearn, Zena Walker
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2021-08-25
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Synopsis Terry is divorced from his German wife and has a Finnish girlfriend Christina. At Thelma's suggestion they join her and Bob on a caravan holiday but due to a mishap the men get separated from the women. Thelma mistakenly accuses Bob of infidelity and their row is heard publicly as they are in a van with the P.A. still switched on. Bob and Terry then holiday without the girls andin a hotel at Whitley Bayscore with both the landlady and her daughter but have to make a hurriedtrouserlessexit. Terry decides to emigrate and Bob joins him for a farewell drink on board his ship. However Terry changes his mind at the last minute and disembarks realising too late that Bob is still on board and heading for Bahrain.

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