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O Signo da Cidade - (2007) - Netflix

1h36m - Drama

In his nightly radio program, the astrologer Teca is caught between the desires of others and her own problems. Slowly, destiny entangles them all.

Director: Carlos Alberto Riccelli
Reparto: Bruna Lombardi, Juca de Oliveira, Malvino Salvador, Graziella Moretto, Luis Miranda, Denise Fraga, Eva Wilma, Sidney Santiago, Fernando Alves Pinto, Laís Marques
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Br

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Disponible desde: 2022-03-28
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Synopsis While stars and planets move through the sky of São Paulo randomly shooting their magic men and women ask what will become of their dreams and desires. Gil is married and alone. Lydia flirts with danger. Josialdo was born to be a woman. Mônica just wants to do well in life. In her night radio show where she answers anonymous listeners the astrologer Teca sees herself between her own problems and the wishes of others. Little by little fate weaves everyone together in its own web. In the struggle to break their isolation and find the way to redemption these people will discover the transforming power of solidarity.

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