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Barbie: The Pearl Princess - (2014) - Netflix

1h13m - Children Amp Family Movies

Barbie stars as Lumina, a mermaid who dreams of being a princess. As long as she can remember, she's had magical powers that make pearls dance and glow!

Director: Ezekiel Norton
Reparto: Kelly Sheridan, Katie Crown, Mark Oliver, Rebecca Shoichet
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Au

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Disponible desde: 2022-06-01
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Synopsis This is the tale of a young mermaid who is being raised by her aunt. This young mermaid has the power to control pearls and make beautiful magic with them. One day her Aunt is called upon by a member of the royal family to help out at the official passing of the crown from the king and queen to the young prince since the death of the young princess. When the young mermaids aunt forgets her invitation to the royal party the young mermaid takes off to give her the important paper. Along the way our new mermaid friend meets new friends and unknowing to her is part of a long lost secret and scandal that happened when she was just a baby.

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