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Super Nani - (2014) - Netflix

2h6m - Comedia

A loving, concerned American grandson travels to Mumbai to rescue his unappreciated grandmother from her drudgery and fulfill her true potential.

Director: Indra Kumar
Reparto: Varsha Usgaonkar, Shreya Narayan, Rajesh Kumar, Rekha, Anupam Kher, Shweta Kumar, Sharman Joshi, Randhir Kapoor, Aanchal Dwivedi
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Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2018-03-01
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Synopsis The movie revolves around how an Indian woman, Bharti, who sacrifices her life for her children and husband, and yet they do not value her or her sacrifices, and they all maltreat her. Then tables turn when her grandson, Mann comes to her rescue. He gets her modeling assignments which makes her more successful than any of the family members, including her husband. Even after so much success she misses the love and affection of family members. Mann suggests her to teach everyone in the house a lesson so that they start to value her. The movie has a happy end where she reunites with her family and they learn to respect her and value the efforts she makes for keeping them happy. The moral of the movie is importance of your mother and what all she does for you. Respecting her and valuing her efforts.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

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