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A Casa do Medo - (2015) - Netflix

92m - Suspense

Director: Adam Massey
Reparto: Miranda Cosgrove, Donal Logue, Austin Butler, Tom Sizemore, Jenessa Grant, Michael Luckett
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 22/12/2016
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Synopsis The disturbed twenty year-old Rose Halshford moves with her father, the architect Jerry Halshford, to an old house after the loss of her mother. Soon Rose meets her next door neighbor Leila Markby and she learns about the tragic disappearance of the teenager Rachel that was sheltered by the previous owner of her house, Cheri Garrison and her son Marcus. Rose suspects of Leila's father Howard Markby and she also learns that he had been the prime suspect of the police but proved his innocence. Rose overhears noises in the house but her father believes she is still traumatized by the loss of her mother. Rose also dates the constructor Noah Henry that is refurbishing the house. When strange events happen in the house, Jerry believes Rose is the responsible. Is his daughter really paranoid?

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