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Taken Heart - (2017) - Netflix

1h28m - Acción y aventura

When her daughter is kidnapped by a cartel while doing charity work in Belize, a detective goes undercover and takes on a crime ring to rescue her.

Director: Steven R. Monroe
Reparto: Leslie Jenkins, Gildon Roland, Natasha Calis, Matthew Ziff, Gina Holden, Pulu Lightburn, Raffaello Degruttola
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
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Disponible desde: 2017-11-01
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Synopsis Kate Johnson is a single mother and a successful undercover detective. When her daughter, Nina, goes to Punta Dia in Belize to help with the local orphanage, she is kidnapped by the cartel organization 'La Muerte Roja'. Kate, not trusting the local government, takes it upon herself to travel to Belize to find her missing daughter. While there, Kate meets with Francisco Orizaga, an ex-marine who agrees to help. As Kate investigates into Nina's disappearance, she discovers just how strong La Muerte Roja's influence is in Punta Dia. Her questions are met with silence and looks of fear from the locals, with only a few willing to talk about the rumors of the cartel's organ trafficking business. Now, it's a race against time as Kate struggles to find Nina before Nina might become La Muerte Roja's next victim.

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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