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The Blazing Sun - (1954) - Netflix

1h56m - Películas clásicas

Competition between sugar cane producers turns deadly after a greedy landlord conspires against an agricultural engineer who falls for his daughter.

Director: Youssef Chahine
Reparto: Omar Sharif, Faten Hamama, Zaki Rostom, Farid Shawqy, Abdel-Wareth Asar, Menassa Fahmy, Abdelghany Kamar, Hamdy Gheith, Mohsen Hassanein, Rafeaa El Shal
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Us

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Disponible desde: 2020-11-03
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Synopsis Gene Autry hunts bank robbers Al Bartlett and Trot Lucas with his old friend Mike. Bartlett, to throw off his pursuers, kills Trot and his own brother. When Kitty Bartlett comes to town claiming to be the slain Bartlett's widow, Gene has to save her from the irate townspeople who are not aware that her name isn't Bartlett but she really is the daughter of a law officer slain by Al Bartlett. Ben Luder, a local hood, tricks Bartlett back into town by saying he has to fixed to have Doc Larry Taylor do plastic surgery on him. En route they meet Doc and his assistant Helen Ellis and Ben's ruse is exposed. Bartlett kills Ben and forces Doc to drive him to the railroad. Gene, in a fight atop a runaway train, captures Bartlett.

IMDB Mejores 250 películas

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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