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Convergence: Courage in a Crisis - (2021) - Netflix

1h53m - Science Amp Nature Documentaries

While COVID-19 exacerbates vulnerabilities across the world, unsung heroes in all levels of society help the tide turn toward a brighter future.

Director: Orlando von Einsiedel
Reparto: -
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2021-10-13
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Synopsis A collaboration that spans eight countries and 9 individual stories Convergence reveals the power of compassion and community in the face of a crisis. Beginning at the onset of the pandemic the documentary follows everyday citizens across the globe as they rise to the challenges of this upheaval in extraordinary ways - from a Syrian refugee fighting the UK government to include hospital cleaners and porters in bereavement pay to a doctor committed to serving Miami's homeless community. But as this generation defining crisis begins to unmask deep-rooted flaws and inequities worldwide their diverse journeys tell a more unified narrative about our common humanity and how by coming together great change can emerge from chaos.

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