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The Winslow Boy - (1948) - Netflix

1h58m - Drama

When a cadet is accused of stealing and expelled from naval college, his father goes to great lengths to try and clear the boy's name.

Director: Anthony Asquith
Reparto: Robert Donat, Cedric Hardwicke, Basil Radford, Kathleen Harrison, Francis L. Sullivan, Margaret Leighton, Marie Lohr, Jack Watling, Stanley Holloway, Frank Lawton, Cyril Ritchard, Neil North
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 97/100
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2022-02-05
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Synopsis In early-20th-century England while toasting daughter Catherine's engagement Arthur Winslow learns that the Royal Naval Academy has expelled his 14-year-old son Ronnie for stealing 5 shillings. Father asks son if it is true; when the lad denies it Arthur risks fortune health domestic peace and Catherine's prospects to pursue justice. After defeat in the military court of appeals Arthur and Catherine go to Sir Robert Morton a brilliant barrister and M.P. who examines Ronnie and suggests that they take the matter before Parliament to seek permission to sue the Crown. They do which keeps Ronnie's story on the front page and keeps Catherine in Sir Robert's ken.

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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