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Deranged - (2020) - Netflix

1h38m - Drama

A substitute teacher and an obsessive student begin an illicit affair that endangers everyone involved and blurs the line between predator and prey.

Director: Jameel Buari
Reparto: Nadia Buari, Ramsey Nouah, Zynnell Zuh, Priscilla Opoku Agyeman, Jason E.L Agha, Lisbeth Lopez Acquah, Henry Prempeh, Pascaline Edwards, Prince Mingle, Kelvin Boateng
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 40/100
Países en los que está disponible: Us

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Disponible desde: 2021-07-01
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Synopsis A man living in rural Wisconsin takes care of his bed-ridden mother who is very domineering and teaches him that all women are evil. After she dies he misses her so a year later he digs her up and takes her home. He learns about taxidermy and begins robbing graves to get materials to patch her up and inevitably begins looking for fresher sources of materials. Based closely on the true story of Ed Gein.

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