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The Phantom - (2021) - Netflix

1h21m - Policiales

Arrested in 1983 for murder and sentenced to death, Carlos DeLuna stood by his innocence. This documentary examines the unjust truth behind his case.

Director: Patrick Forbes
Reparto: -
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 43/100
Países en los que está disponible: Au

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Disponible desde: 2021-09-30
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Synopsis Four hundred years ago a young boy witnessed his father's death during an attack on their ship by the bloodthirsty Sengh Brotherhood. He was washed ashore on Bengalla Island where he swore to devote his life to bring down piracy greed cruelty and injustice. He became The Phantom a masked avenger whose role was passed down from father to son leading people to believe in an immortal figure called "The Ghost Who Walks". The 21st successor to the role of Bengalla's resident superhero must travel to New York City to prevent a power-hungry businessman from obtaining three magic skulls that would give him the secret to ultimate power.

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