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Global Family - (2018) - Netflix

1h30m - -

This documentary follows a transnational refugee family that left Somalia during the civil war as they confront questions of home, kinship and future.

Director: Andreas Köhler, Melanie Andernach
Reparto: -
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: NA
Países en los que está disponible: Fr

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Disponible desde: 2022-04-23
Synopsis Yasmin has lived an almost normal life as a German ever since she was three years old. The family fled from Somalia during the civil war and now lives scattered around the globe. When Yasmin's grandmother no longer wants to stay in her Ethiopian exile a transnational family drama evolves circling around the essential question: Where is Granny to live? And suddenly the family confronts their own aspirations: Have they actually arrived where they want to be? GLOBAL FAMILY is a twistful documentary about a transnational family drama in which four generations of a refugee family each pursue their own dreams of family home and future.

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