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The Unholy - (2021) - Netflix

1h39m - Terror

A teen develops an ability to heal and attributes it to the Virgin Mary. But it becomes clear that the entity behind the miracle is far from divine.

Director: Evan Spiliotopoulos
Reparto: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cricket Brown, William Sadler, Katie Aselton, Cary Elwes, Diogo Morgado, Bates Wilder, Marina Mazepa, Christine Adams, Gisela Chipe, Dustin Tucker
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 26/100
Países en los que está disponible: Nl

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Disponible desde: 2022-03-12
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Synopsis After a supposed visitation from the Virgin Mary Alice a young hearing-impaired girl is inexplicably able to hear speak and heal the sick. As word spreads and people from near and far flock to witness her miracles a disgraced journalist hoping to revive his career visits the small New England town to investigate. When terrifying events begin to happen all around he starts to question if these phenomena are the works of the Virgin Mary or something much more sinister.

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