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The Holiday - (2021) - Netflix

Programas de televisión

On holiday in the Mediterranean with friends and family, a woman discovers her husband is having an affair with someone she knows and things turn deadly.

Director: Laura Way
Reparto: Jill Halfpenny, Owen McDonnell, Aidan McArdle, Lara McDonnell, Liv Mjönes, Siobhan Hewlett, Cat Simmons, Molly McCann, Shaun O'Callaghan Wade
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Uk

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Disponible desde: 2022-07-01
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Synopsis In London Iris Simpkins writes a wedding column in a newspaper and nurtures an unrequited love for her colleague Jasper Bloom. Near Christmas she is informed that Jasper is engaged to marry another colleague and her life turns upside down. In Los Angeles the movie-trailers maker Amanda Woods has just split with her unfaithful boyfriend Ethan and wants to forget him. Through a house exchange website Amanda impulsively swaps her mansion for Iris' cottage in Surrey for the holidays. While in Surrey Amanda meets Iris' brother and book editor Graham and they fall in love with each other. Meanwhile Iris meets her new next door neighbor the ninety year old screenplay writer Arthur who helps her retrieve her self-esteem and the film composer Miles with whom she falls in love.

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