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Reunion - (2020) - Netflix

1h34m - Terror

A pregnant woman returns to her childhood home to reunite with her estranged mother — only to unearth the disturbing memories of their dark past.

Director: Jake Mahaffy
Reparto: Julia Ormond, Emma Draper, Cohen Holloway, Ava Keane, Gina Laverty, John Bach, Dra McKay, Patricia Wilson
Calificación de Netflix:
Puntuación de Rotten Tomatoes: 0/100
Países en los que está disponible: Br

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Disponible desde: 2022-05-08
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Synopsis A relentless New York City police detective named Ken Marjorino arrives in the town of Bedford New York to investigate the murder of a mysterious person at a 20th high school reunion. Through Marjorino's interviews with the suspects the stories takes us back 20 years starting in 1986 where six close friends graduated from high school. They include good-natured and ambitious blue-collared Will Malloy; wealthy and snobbish white-collared Craig Brewster; overachieving but direction less Aaron Lewis; Craig's girlfriend Samantha Carlton who dreams of becoming a doctor; Samantha's best friend Carla Noll a struggling photographer; and the hip Jenna Moretti who's obsessed with becoming a world-famous actress. With each flashback we learn more about Will Craig Aaron Samantha Carla and Jenna over their various directions they take with their lives. With each passing year that we observe it brings up more questions. Of the six which one was murdered? Which one committed the crime and why? Why are the five remaining friends in the present seem to know what's going on and who are they trying to protect? What is Detective Marjorino's connection with one or more of the friends? Most of all who is the mysterious and unseen 'third party' whom is anonymously sending the five remaining friends blackmail notes saying I-know-which-one-of-you-did-it?

Rotten Tomatoes Mejores 100 películas

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